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FLI Podcast: Beyond the Arms Race Narrative: AI & China with Helen Toner & Elsa Kania

30 August, 2019

Discussions of Chinese artificial intelligence frequently center around the trope of a U.S.-China arms race. On this month’s FLI podcast, we’re moving beyond the arms race narrative and taking a closer look at the realities of AI in China and what they really mean for the United States. Experts Helen Toner and Elsa Kania, both of Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology, discuss China’s rise as a world AI power, the relationship between the Chinese tech industry and the military, and the use of AI in human rights abuses by the Chinese government. They also touch on Chinese-American technological collaboration, technological difficulties facing China, and what may determine international competitive advantage going forward. 

Topics discussed in this episode include:

  • The rise of AI in China
  • The escalation of tensions between U.S. and China in the AI realm 
  • Chinese AI Development plans and policy initiatives
  • The AI arms race narrative and the problems with it 
  • Civil-military fusion in China vs. U.S.
  • The regulation of Chinese-American technological collaboration
  • AI and authoritarianism
  • Openness in AI research and when it is (and isn’t) appropriate
  • The relationship between privacy and advancement in AI 

References discussed in this episode include:

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